Friday, January 12, 2018

Shopping in India

Shopping, the world’s most polarizing activity, never ends regardless of how many stores you’ve hit or how many bags you’ve held. The pursuit of can’t miss deals is one that exasperates some spouses while invigorates others. For many Americans, shopping has become an online endeavor, accomplished from the comfort of your desk with a cup of coffee. However, for many, the sights, sounds and thrills of bouncing shop to shop and haggling with amiable or curmudgeonly shop owners never gets old.

Unfortunately, America’s malls don’t exactly provide the exciting ambiance of a foreign adventure, dodging bustling locals who are conversing in an unfamiliar language. Nor do the prices of Europe trigger the endorphins of a great deal unearthed amongst the masses. Thankfully, there is a part of the world where, not only is the experience of shopping more closely related to an Indiana Jones movie but the prices and quality of the material will have you doing backflips.

That place is India, where the bustling bazaars, markets and emporiums provide the perfect scene for some good ole fashion shopping. Quality jewelry, art, textiles, handicrafts and spices can be found in abundance at amazing prices with ancient historical sites as your background. What more could any shopping enthusiast ask for? Just don’t forget your India visa! Here’s our guide to making the most out of your India shopping extravaganza.

Business Takes No Prisoners

Shopping in India

Not every everything will be up for negotiation. For some that may be a blessed relief from the back and forth. Glitzy shopping malls and certain emporiums will have listed prices and that’s that. Most markets, however, will be a battleground of bloody bargaining. Spare your feelings for the proprietor; they are seasoned veterans of the game. You won’t hurt their feelings by asking for something at half the price they initially asked. In fact that’s typically a good starting point. Give yourself an amount you’d like to spend and pay up to 70% of that. Remember: there’s another train coming. 

Curb Your Impulse Purchases

Once the world of colorful textiles, shiny jewelry and aromatic spices engulfs you, the urge to buy may overwhelm you, pushing you into a purchasing spree that you might regret shortly after. One thing to remember is there will always be more. Most of the shops carry many of the same items, even in different cities. Therefore, if you’re unable to get the price to an agreeable number, walk away. We promise you: you will have another chance at that same item again, most likely at the price you were looking for. Sometimes you fall in love with an item and you must have it, that’s understandable; just remember there is always another market to explore.

A Little Recon Goes A Long Way

While almost every item is available in most cities, there are certain purchases that would be best made in a specific area. For instance, if you’re looking for tea, Darjeeling is the place to be. Certain cities may specialize in particular items that you’re after. A quick googling, or even better, asking around as you make your way around the country will provide valuable insight into where to get what. For bulky items, it may be best to buy it in whichever city you’re flying out from. Many international flights go through Delhi, which is a shopping paradise, so don’t buy yourself a lamp that you then have to haul around with you until the end of your trip.

What India Has For You

Shopping In India 2

India is a shopper’s Eden. However, it’s not Walmart or Costco where one aisle has hot tubs and in the next it’s diapers. For some items the quality and price are unmatched, anywhere in the world; for others, you may be better off getting that once you’re back home. As we previously mentioned, textiles, jewelry, handicrafts and spices all fall in the former. Other specialties of India are shoes of all fashions and types. Shawls are another Indian forte with the vaunted pashmina, a type of cashmere, as the paragon example. Real pashmina won’t be available at dirt cheap prices. If you’re offered it at too good to be true prices, it’s not real. Other items of quality include: tea, scented products, movies and much more! Plan your shopping excursion to this foreign land today. For your visa needs Indian online visa has your back.

The post Shopping in India appeared first on Indian e-Tourist Visa Online Agency.

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